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    Join the Southeast Diesel Team!

    Southeast Diesel, Inc.  is an established, professional company that has served the Tri-State Area of Chattanooga for over thirty years.  We pride ourselves in hiring skilled individuals to represent our company. In addition, we offer competitive wages and a company benefit package for all full-time employees.

    Listed below are the positions that we are currently seeking. If you would like to join our team, please click on the link below and complete the application.

    Diesel Technician

    Skills Required

    • Highly organized, self-motivated, ability to work independently and as a team member.
    • Maintains professional demeanor; demonstrates integrity and confidentiality.
    • Knowledge of the inner-workings of a diesel engine
    • Ability to troubleshoot and repair diesel engines

    Job Requirements

    • Full vehicle and machinery diagnostics
    • Full vehicle and machinery repair
    • Electrical repair
    • Hydraulic System Work
    • Troubleshoot engine problems

    A Note Regarding Technicians: You are expected to be a self-starter each day, knowing what vehicles and/or machinery are on your docket to be worked on when you begin your day. With that said, Southeast Diesel is an open-door company, which means we welcome questions and teamwork among our team members when it comes to providing the continued level of professional service that we are known for. You should keep your work area clean and safe throughout the day. This not only creates a more positive work environment, but also lends itself to getting a job done more efficiently.

    Application for Employment